Our Vision

Our Mission

We leverage the power of transnational connections to build communities that support the advancement of new generations of scholars working across borders.

Scholars Across Borders

We are a grassroots movement of scholars working across borders. Each letter of our name describes the values and commitments of the people who join our network: scholars who care about research for social impact, transnationally networked leaders, academically-driven educators, and researchers with ethics and integrity.

Leaders, Scholars and Students
1234 +
Colleges & Universities

Our Approach

Human-to-Human Relationships

Building authentic human-to-human relationships among the people in the network, both online and in-person, to build trust and solidarity.

Alternative Futures

Grasping the deep challenges, injustices, and unsustainability of current systems in order to imagine alternative futures and create a more humane world.

Distributed Leadership

Empowering leaders of all kinds to drive the activities of the network, including organizing new initiatives, spreading our message, and shaping our vision.

Open Access

Pioneering open access resources that empower members to leverage the power of networks to build their skills, knowledge, and expertise.

Continuous Learning

Engaging in continuous learning with our members to understand the trends, resources, and needs of the entire network and their communities.

Local Languages

Communicating in 1000s of local languages to include and involve as many people as possible in building this community and shaping its future.

Our Leadership Team

Our Partners