
Title: Homeschooling Black Children in the United States: An examination of homeschooling in practice, theory and popular culture

Book Editors: Khadijah Z. Ali-Coleman, PhD and Cheryl Fields-Smith

Publisher: Information Age Press (this book will be part of IAP’s Multicultural Gifted Education book series edited by Donna Y. Ford, PhD)


Book Overview:

Historically, research has largely depicted the continued obstacles Black students in the United States face during their formative years in P-12 learning environments. Disproportionate suspensions, lack of access to advanced courses and high turnover of high-impact teachers are just a few of the challenges that impact Black students and their academic achievement.  This deficit approach dominates the literature that also covers the academic achievement of Black students in colleges and universities. This book project explores the academic success of Black students who are schooled outside of the traditional P-12 school setting before attending college. Focused specifically on Black students who were homeschooled, this book presents a collection of essays that examines the ways that P-12 homeschool education impacts college readiness and preparedness. Featuring the work of pre-eminent researchers in areas ranging from P-12 schooling and social justice to higher education and Critical Race Theory, this collection provides insight into practices that extend outside of traditional paradigms of education.

What We Are Seeking: We are seeking chapter proposals for manuscripts that will explore topics in ways that are compelling to read and accessible by both laymen and those outside of academia. Storytelling is largely preferred with the hope that scholarly writings range in style–from ethnography, narrative inquiry, self-study, and autoethnography to grounded theory, phenomenology, and hermeneutics.  Each chapter will be about 6000 words, including works cited. Topic considerations include (but, are not limited to):

  • Homeschool and the influence of culture on college preparation for Black students;
  • College transition experiences of Black homeschooled students;
  • Perceptions of Black male students who were homeschooled prior to enrolling in an Ivy League institution,  historically black college or university (HBCU) or community college;
  • Experience of a Black homeschooled high school student preparing for college after attending a traditional P-12 school (public, private or charter);
  • Black dual-enrolled homeschooled students college enrollment experiences;
  • STEM education for the Black homeschooled student on a college track;
  • College staff/faculty experiences with Black homeschooled college applicants;
  • Homeschooling Black children during COVID-19
  • College academic achievement of Black homeschooled students compared to the academic achievement of Black students traditionally schooled (public, private, charter);
  • Language fluency of Black homeschooled students and impact on college transition;
  • Homeschool, college, and community—voices of Black adult professionals reflecting on the impact homeschooling had on their life trajectory.


Proposed timeline:

  • May 2020: Promotion of the call for submissions
  • June 30, 2020: Deadline for writers to submit a chapter proposal and a short bio
  • August 30, 2020: Notify selected contributors
  • November 30, 2020: First drafts submitted to editors
  • Dec 2020-January 30, 2021: Contributors given feedback on drafts
  • February 1, 2021: Finalized chapter resubmitted to the editors
  • March 1, 2021: Manuscript will be submitted to the publisher so that the book can be published in the summer of 2021, available for teaching in the fall 2021 semester.

We are asking that those who are interested in contributing a chapter proposal email us first at so that we can send them the link to the form that will allow them to upload their chapter proposal to our database.

Questions? Email us at